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Who are you?

Scott Underwood • Sep 16, 2020

Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Welcome to whatever part of your experience you are partaking of at this very point in time. We greet you with an open invitation to be whomever you feel like being at this very moment.

We are Gabe and we are here. We opened this thought this morning to draw your attention to the possibilities of who you are. We wish to encourage you to strive to find your value and understand that you matter to the universe that is around you.

It is no accident that you are who you are. At times you may feel insignificant and small by comparison to those around you. Trust that you are not alone in that experience. Remember that comparison does not apply. All are walking separate adventures. Even seemingly significant prominent people have their doubts about themselves.

It is up to you the individual to recognize your own worth and value and disregard the criticism of others. Each step you take in a day is simply a step you have chosen to experience and take advantage of. Each thought you have is an opportunity to evaluate and realign the next thought. Your worth is far greater than you consciously perceive.

We welcome the opportunity to be your advocate. Know kind souls that all is as it should be and that the key to expansion and peace is the way you view the world around you and how you chose to perceive it. Look for the gift in every situation. 

We depart this expression point at this time and wish to leave you with this wisdom of the moment. Do what you do and be aware of why you are doing it then if needed realign.

Kind regards. Gabe.

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