
15 Seconds
07 Apr, 2021
To help another in a remote way you see them as whole complete and healthy and hold the vision or thought for 15 seconds. That is the flare that you shoot out that the universe responds to.
Channeled Gathering Messages
31 Mar, 2021
When you see an action or events that tell you that what you have been holding as a belief or honored way of being is untrue, or never actually was the way you were told it was, you feel like you have been had.
This day is like no other.
24 Mar, 2021
Imagine how many never happened before moments have taken place in your life. How many have you been aware of? How many have you dismissed and not consciously enjoyed? How many have you scorned, embraced, or simply run away from?
Become More Aware of Energy Guidance
18 Mar, 2021
Bless your hesitations. I use the term energy guidance to refer to the force that surrounds us all in terms of looking out for us. We all have it. Some of us are more in tune with it than others and we are all guilty of ignoring this way-shower. Where I have learned to be the most aware of it is in traffic. Many times I have gone to change lanes then I hold back automatically (for some unknown/unconscious reason) and most of the time I find it was a good move. It turns out regularly there was something in my way that I was unaware of and if I had ignored the hesitation I would have been in someone else's space. A friend was casually telling me that going to work the other day she was going to make her normal left turn where she gets off the freeway (this was the key thing she said) and for "SOME REASON" she hesitated. She was aware that she never does that at this stop. All of a sudden a car to her right ran the red light at an insane speed and blew through the intersection. She thought the car missed her by less than a couple of feet. She would have been more than creamed in the right front if she had done her normal stop and turn. That Some reason is your energy guidance or God or radar. Call it what you will it is there and it is just a matter of being sensitive to it. It also works if you are not sensitive to it. "Some Reason" energy is powerful and has nothing but your best interest at heart. Today I invite you to go about your world and look for some reasons in your life. You can ignore it if you desire, but it is by your side anyway. However, it is a more valuable tool if you remember it is in your toolbox. Holding the knowledge of its existence will change your awareness level for certain. Happy journeying to you all. Scott.
Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping | Scott & Gabe's Review
15 Mar, 2021
I read a book lately called Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping. It rocked my world. Over two years ago the name of the book kept coming into my radar but I was totally resistant to the name and especially the word forgiveness. I was mad related to a relationship having ended and I wasn't going to forgive anyone. I wanted to stay mad. So I did. Lately, my energy guidance brought up the name of the book again and I knew I was being urged to read it AGAIN. I reluctantly ordered it from Amazon and when it came I put it on my nightstand. I was having about of not sleeping well and long story short I started reading it. Once I got into it I had trouble putting it down. I like to highlight lines that really hit me and I was basically highlighting whole pages. (the book was used and I noted the previous reader had underlined a few sentences in the book. I was coloring full chapters.) The word forgiveness is misleading but relevant. The book is giving you another way to look at the people that come into your lives. The premise being that each player in your play is there to help you heal a wound one way or another. The deep part of this theory is that you have attracted them and if the one that is in front of you now doesn't trigger your healing you will just attract another with the same traits that will give you another chance to clear the deck. Taking that all into account I started looking back at past relationships and the one I am in now and I started to see a pattern that I am tired of dealing with. The relationship I am in now is clearly ramping things up for me about looking in and healing some issues. In my case, it has to do with abandonment issues that I didn't really know I was carrying around. SO at this point, I wanted to reconnect. Life has had me consumed. The words I put out here are therapy for myself and hopefully some of you all. My passion is to connect with others and in a critical moment be able to find words and guidance for you that will soften recent or past blows and uplift you in some sense and keep you on your path. I welcome any interaction with any of you who feel drawn to engage with questions. Remember that expressing your vulnerability also helps others learn and evolve. Ok fellow journeyers let's keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep heading down the trail. We can't know what we will find out there. But it is an adventure. Kind regards to you on this day. Scott. With Gabe looking over my shoulder.
Let Them Be Who They Are
10 Dec, 2020
So moral of the story, Don't assume, verify first, put yourself in the other's place and realize they are being who they are and doing the best they know how to be or they would be doing something different.
Energy and Frequency Between People with Scott Underwood
22 Nov, 2020
I have had an week full of messages in my face about energy and frequency between people. Especially in respect to relationships. A discussion I had with a mentor of sorts showed me a pattern in my life that I was not aware of. I didn't realize I was doing what I was doing. It started with one person talking about the fact that they had consciously stopped drinking. They would go out and drink to dumb themselves down to be part of the crowd energy they were hanging with. When this person stopped drinking it was no longer pleasurable for them to try and hang with the same crowd. The energy had shifted and there was no longer the alignment between the now non drinker and the drinkers. In this case frequency had changed for the non drinker and they didn't fit with the old frequency they had been part of.Couples in relationship go through the same thing. We become attracted to another for a plethora of reasons and many factors of attraction can over power our rational observation and awareness of what the other is actually bringing. Many times we blind ourselves as well as to how we are showing up for the relationship. Positive and negative energies regulate each persons life. It is up to the individual to allow or deflect the energies they want to be part of. One person wants to watch soap operas the other wants to laugh and watch comedies. Two completely different frequencies. One person wants to listen to classical music the other wants to listen to hard rock. Again two different frequencies. So here is what happens. The classic music listener probably won't hang around to listen to hard rock very long. The hard rock listener will find a clash with the classic music energy. One has to come down to the others level or one has to go up to the others level if any kind of long term connection is going to be preserved. How low does one have to go and how high does the other have to elevate to? Purely a choice on the part of the individuals in the game. The one needing to come down will negate expansion because they are going backward in a sense and more than likely will put there expansion on hold. If the one needing to go up stays where they are they are holding themselves back. All this mismatched energy will work until it doesn't. Some one in the mix will start to fee the fingernail sound on the black board. The discomfort will build on one side or the other until someone or both decide to jump ship. The short version of what I am pointing out is when the throbbing heart slows down and you finally start to take a look at who you are hanging with the next thing you have to evaluate is the frequency alignment between the two of you.  If the gap is too far apart or one or the other parties is content to stay where they are then the outcome is reasonably predictable. So as you are measuring your frequencies today be conscious of where you are and how much you want to give up or gain energetically to maintain your personal connections. It is all part of the experience and the journey. Have a wild and wacky day. Scott
Past Relationships with Scott Underwood
22 Nov, 2020
I have been in relationships in the past. All of which were uncomfortable to me, to say the least, when they ended. All that feeling not good enough stuff came up. As did why didn't I see this or that in the other and so on. It just doesn't feel good to break up. Lol especially when it is the other one pulling the plug. That is the worst. Lol I remember going into "You cant fire me! I quit" mode. My first love of my life episode ended. I didn't see it coming. When the hurt hit I tried to extinguish her existence in my life by throwing away anything that reminded me of her. The problem was she was still in my head for a while. I remember a recent TV commercial where the GF is screaming at the apparent X to be and throwing all his stuff out of an upstairs window onto the yard below where he is pleading for her to stop. Especially when she was tossing the monitor/TV. The commercial leaves you wondering what he did to provoke her. I can go through my house and see pillows on my bed from 2 relationships ago. I have art work and a particular coffee mug that triggers me from the last 15 year connection. And now the one I am in has many reminders of the current connection going on in my life. I would not be able to throw out the part of town I have to go through that would remind me of her. The only chance I have is to change the way I react to the remembrances that a relationship creates. Other wise you would have to sell everything and move to a different city every time you end a relationship. Of course that is an option. I just thought of that song. "All I want to be is done". I have been there too. So the pain I have and might experience again in a relationship is how I react to it. So I am working on my trigger points and when I see a reminder of the past I just talk myself down and say. It is just a cup. It is just a store. It is just any old so and so. It has no power over me. I am slowly reprogramming my self back to neutral. It doesn't happen all at once. But it does get easier the more I do it. So for the moment I am living with 3 past relationships in the form of a few trinkets and am trying to take advantage of the gift of having this situation to explore and fine tune my self just a bit more. That way I don't have to throw out the TV. Heck Ill just keep it and change the locks. Ha Ha I win. Scott.
By Scott Underwood 28 Sep, 2020
The birthday boy was 5 years old and the guests were family and some school friends. I was there as a guest of the mothers family. It was so interesting to me to watch all of the goings on. People were BEING at the level of their knowing and it rivaled any soap opera on TV. The crowd was a mix of previous and past relationships. There were EX's there with new partners and there were some there against there will who politically needed to be there because of the family politics. There was a son and mother that only exchanged a hello because of past hurts from family interactions. There was an Ex that stumbled and called his new wife the name of the old wife. (which sent a shock through the crowd) There were three boxes of pizza left that had not been touched. There were way too many presents for the event. I could not help but think about kids that often don't get any presents. The decorations were being blown and coming loose because of the wind. There was gossip regarding some who were not in attendance. There was speculation about what was going on in the relationships that were being observed. Kids would go swimming and get out and then want to go back in the pool. Two boys were more interested in playing with the filled balloons than eating. Guess what? Situation normal. I find it amazing how individual universes manage to come together and then orbit each other, however they will, and at the end of the day leave one orbit to go to another. I simply wanted to share my observations here and encourage those who might see this to remain aware and think positive thoughts and go to every birthday party with the intention of polishing your orbit and reaching for the next gentle thought.
who are you
By Scott Underwood 16 Sep, 2020
Who are you? How do you define yourself? Welcome to whatever part of your experience you are partaking of at this very point in time.
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