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How to Connect with the Universe with Scott Underwood

Scott Underwood • Jan 16, 2019

How To Connect With The Universe.

Hi, I’m Scott Underwood. I’m having a great day here and hope you’re having one too.  I spend a lot of time talking about wordless encounters. Those are the messages you get from the energy that’s around you.

The thing I want to point out today and have you focus on is what part of your brain you’re actually receiving that message in. You’ve got the left side, the right side, front, back, etc.

If I tell you to visualize a tree, close your eyes and then put your finger on your head where you’re visualizing that tree you’re gonna do something like this (touches forehead)

That’s called mind eye or third eye. That’s your receptive center. Some people are very visual and use that process as their key message receiving point.

There are also intuitive and word receptors on the sides of your head.  The point I’m making is, depending on your abilities, talents, and strengths, you’re going to pick up messages in any number of areas but the point is to be focused on when they’re coming in.

If you do that then you’ll be aware of whether it’s your own thought or somebody else’s thought. I.e. the unseen.

What you want to do is be cognizant and be more in tune with your mental processes. Most of us don’t think of that, we go through the day we think about what we do we go to be at night and start all over the next day. 

Tune into your brain. See what part of the brain is working and feel the messages come in. You will notice a difference and then you’ll be that much more, should I say, sharper in your reception.

Play with that and have fun with it, and go see what you can’t see!

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