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This day is like no other.

Mar 24, 2021

Ponder This! This day is like no other. 

It has never happened before.  Imagine how many never happened before moments have taken place in your life. How many have you been aware of? How many have you dismissed and not consciously enjoyed? How many have you scorned, embraced, or simply run away from?

These fragments in time are illusionary but are significant experiences that part you from the heard. Any experience you have shapes you in some way and becomes part of the life experience of YOU.

Don't discount any action, thought or incident. They are all energetically charged with vibrations that your existence has created to draw them to you for your pleasure and experience.

We simply suggest that you become aware of any action you become part of and consider what that action can teach you or make you aware of. On this day of experience stop and smell the roses and even be aware of the thorns on the stems. Kind regards Gabe.

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15 Seconds
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