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Become More Aware of Energy Guidance

Mar 18, 2021

Bless your hesitations. I use the term energy guidance to refer to the force that surrounds us all in terms of looking out for us. We all have it. Some of us are more in tune with it than others and we are all guilty of ignoring this way-shower.

Where I have learned to be the most aware of it is in traffic. Many times I have gone to change lanes then I hold back automatically (for some unknown/unconscious reason) and most of the time I find it was a good move. It turns out regularly there was something in my way that I was unaware of and if I had ignored the hesitation I would have been in someone else's space.

A friend was casually telling me that going to work the other day she was going to make her normal left turn where she gets off the freeway (this was the key thing she said) and for "SOME REASON" she hesitated. She was aware that she never does that at this stop. All of a sudden a car to her right ran the red light at an insane speed and blew through the intersection. She thought the car missed her by less than a couple of feet. She would have been more than creamed in the right front if she had done her normal stop and turn.  That Some reason is your energy guidance or God or radar. Call it what you will it is there and it is just a matter of being sensitive to it. It also works if you are not sensitive to it. "Some Reason" energy is powerful and has nothing but your best interest at heart.

Today I invite you to go about your world and look for some reasons in your life. You can ignore it if you desire, but it is by your side anyway. However, it is a more valuable tool if you remember it is in your toolbox. Holding the knowledge of its existence will change your awareness level for certain.

Happy journeying to you all. Scott.

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