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How I Connect to the Universe – Scott Underwood

Scott Underwood • Jan 16, 2019

How I Connect With The Universe

Good morning. I had a woman ask me the other day about what I experience when I connect.

The reason being: she and I were at the same place she saw me do some of that in front of a small group and I had to think about it for a minute because, in my case, I get a lot of pictures in my head.

But I also get feelings that come in with emotions related to other people and I get their information. And I also just get this noise which they call cognicense period.

When this stuff happens - if you’re tuned in to chick-flicks - emotions and experiences that come through, are almost like that. To me, it’s very engaging and it captures my attention and I want more. It’s a fix for me.

When you can learn to experience the emotions of a person that’s here and a person that is departed and their past experiences it’s quite amazing.

But in a nutshell, with the experience process, understand you’ve got receptors in your head in different locations. The trick is to learn where your receptors are that work for you. In my case, I sense things in my right side. When I’m thinking, I tend to feel more activities going in on my left side

When I’m driving in traffic, a lot of times when I’ve stopped at a light, because I’m engaged with the car, the traffic and the concentration needed there, it’s pulling energy from my left side and leaves the right brain a lot more open to receiving.

I don’t recommend driving down the road with your eyes closed while you’re trying to connect with the spirits or the universe, or the higher source or after, wait till you’re at a stoplight or pull over. After a while, you learn to do it with your eyes open

The amazing thing is when you ask a question, sometimes you’ll get the answer before you’ve finished asking what you’re asking. I’ve had that happen.

And I’ve talked to other people who have noted the same thing.

Everybody on the planet that I’ve talked to whether they’re aware of it or not, had some encounter with: I don’t want to say ghosts or ghost stories, but its the energy around you that’s watching out for you.

It’s the traffic accident near mishap, it’s a caution when you’re engaging with another person. Possible a warning about a relationship, the trick is to know the difference between information that’s coming in to guide you versus you’re own, what would I say, addiction to your own thought. And wanting what you want when you want it.

When you’re tuned into the process, and I recommend just playing with it as much as possible. It’s like learning anything else. When you learn to jump off of a diving board, you do it 100 times and you get good at it.

So if you ask 100 questions or if you write 100 songs one of those songs is gonna work for you.

And it’ll give you a chance to play with the process, and it’s like anything else, the more you exercise the muscle, the stronger it gets. The more you play with your mind, the more open it becomes, and the more in tune you are with the way you think and how you process that just clears everything up for you.

And you can stand in front of a crowd and you can experience what I cal the chick flick sensation. It’s amazing. Once you get hooked on, like i say, you’ll not want to go back. Take care, engage, drive with your eyes open, keep tuned in, and see what happens for you. It’s an amazing adventure!

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