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Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping | Scott & Gabe's Review

Mar 15, 2021

I read a book lately called Radical Forgiveness by Colin Tipping. It rocked my world. Over two years ago the name of the book kept coming into my radar but I was totally resistant to the name and especially the word forgiveness. I was mad related to a relationship having ended and I wasn't going to forgive anyone. I wanted to stay mad. So I did.

Lately, my energy guidance brought up the name of the book again and I knew I was being urged to read it AGAIN. I reluctantly ordered it from Amazon and when it came I put it on my nightstand. I was having about of not sleeping well and long story short I started reading it. Once I got into it I had trouble putting it down.

I like to highlight lines that really hit me and I was basically highlighting whole pages. (the book was used and I noted the previous reader had underlined a few sentences in the book. I was coloring full chapters.)

The word forgiveness is misleading but relevant. The book is giving you another way to look at the people that come into your lives. The premise being that each player in your play is there to help you heal a wound one way or another. The deep part of this theory is that you have attracted them and if the one that is in front of you now doesn't trigger your healing you will just attract another with the same traits that will give you another chance to clear the deck.

Taking that all into account I started looking back at past relationships and the one I am in now and I started to see a pattern that I am tired of dealing with. The relationship I am in now is clearly ramping things up for me about looking in and healing some issues. In my case, it has to do with abandonment issues that I didn't really know I was carrying around.

SO at this point, I wanted to reconnect. Life has had me consumed. The words I put out here are therapy for myself and hopefully some of you all. My passion is to connect with others and in a critical moment be able to find words and guidance for you that will soften recent or past blows and uplift you in some sense and keep you on your path.

I welcome any interaction with any of you who feel drawn to engage with questions. Remember that expressing your vulnerability also helps others learn and evolve.

Ok fellow journeyers let's keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep heading down the trail. We can't know what we will find out there. But it is an adventure.

Kind regards to you on this day. 

Scott. With Gabe looking over my shoulder.

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