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Energy & Frequency Between People

Nov 22, 2020

I have had an week full of messages in my face about energy and frequency between people. Especially in respect to relationships.  A discussion I had with a mentor of sorts showed me a pattern in my life that I was not aware of. I didn't realize I was doing what I was doing.

It started with one person talking about the fact that they had consciously stopped drinking. They would go out and drink to dumb themselves down to be part of the crowd energy they were hanging with. When this person stopped drinking it was no longer pleasurable for them to try and hang with the same crowd. The energy had shifted and there was no longer the alignment between the now non drinker and the drinkers.

In this case frequency had changed for the non drinker and they didn't fit with the old frequency they had been part of.Couples in relationship go through the same thing.  We become attracted to another for a plethora of reasons and many factors of attraction can over power our rational observation and awareness of what the other is actually bringing. Many times we blind ourselves as well as to how we are showing up for the relationship.

Positive and negative energies regulate each persons life. It is up to the individual to allow or deflect the energies they want to be part of. One person wants to watch soap operas the other wants to laugh and watch comedies. Two completely different frequencies.  One person wants to listen to classical music the other wants to listen to hard rock. Again two different frequencies. So here is what happens. The classic music listener probably won't hang around to listen to hard rock very long. The hard rock listener will find a clash with the classic music energy. One has to come down to the others level or one has to go up to the others level if any kind of long term connection is going to be preserved. How low does one have to go and how high does the other have to elevate to? Purely a choice on the part of the individuals in the game. The one needing to come down will negate expansion because they are going backward in a sense and more than likely will put there expansion on hold. If the one needing to go up stays where they are they are holding themselves back.  All this mismatched energy will work until it doesn't. Some one in the mix will start to fee the fingernail sound on the black board. The discomfort will build on one side or the other until someone or both decide to jump ship.

The short version of what I am pointing out is when the throbbing heart slows down and you finally start to take a look at who you are hanging with the next thing you have to evaluate is the frequency alignment between the two of you.

If the gap is too far apart or one or the other parties is content to stay where they are then the outcome is reasonably predictable.
So as you are measuring your frequencies today be conscious of where you are and how much you want to give up or gain energetically to maintain your personal connections. It is all part of the experience and the journey. Have a wild and wacky day. Scott

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