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Let Them Be Who They Are

Dec 10, 2020

I TOOK IT PERSONALLY. I experienced a reaction lately, related to a person in my life that I had (at least in my world) committed to taking a trip with. The short version, as I perceive it, is I got deleted from the trip and another person got voted in based on the premise that I didn't seem very excited about going on the trip. This is the excuse given to me by the organizer.

Well I instantly went to a very emotional opinion having been displaced without having been consulted in any sense. The other made an assumption and did not verify with me. What my persona heard and felt was I didn't matter enough to be considered. To me it didn't feel good at all. I would like to think that I would never have done that to anyone without checking in to verify my concerns. Well the earth is still turning the sun is still coming up. I am however on a different level of connection with the organizer.

Looking for some comfort over the situation at some point I listened to a meditation tape that reminded me that the reaction I went through was my problem not theirs. Not what I really wanted to hear. The other person was being who they are and I reacted the way I reacted. They had nothing to do with the way I went emotionally.

I will be the first to say that being human I still have hurt feelings over the event. I know the meditation is right and I am trying to look at this whole thing the way the meditation is guiding. I am not walking on water yet. I still have on my wading gear. Lol I hate it when I have to deal with the teachings I would hand to someone else. Life is that way though.

So moral of the story, Don't assume, verify first, put yourself in the others place and realize they are being who they are and doing the best they know how to be or they would be doing something different. 

Clarity to you all. 


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